Television Centre update – August 2015

The last update on the redevelopment of Television Centre was back in March, however since then the builders have progressed a long way.  I’ve managed to take a couple of sets of photos showing the changes, but somewhere along the line have struggled to find time to actually add them to the site.  So this update shows the changes over the last 5 months.

May 2015

May saw the start of scaffolding going up across the front of the spur and stage 5.  Also work started at the very front of the site with pile driving between Wood Lane and the vehicle entrance to TC1

June 2015

In June work was continuing on the site.  After trying a couple of times I managed to get my phone to allow me to take a panorama of the whole front of the site:


Panorama of the whole site as viewed from Wood Lane

Across the whole site new hoardings were added, or existing ones were painted and branding added.  It seems rather strange – this appears to be one of the most branded building sites I’ve ever seen.  Even the hoardings are not the usual plain wood as there is an LED strip running along the middle of the main section.  Also the multi-storey car park has been covered in an enormous banner to advertise the development to those going into Westfield shopping centre.

August 2015

Another set of photos taken in the last week.  This was a bit of a shock – I’d not been in the area for a couple of weeks and while I was aware that the plan was now to demolish the spur and stage 5, but somehow was still not expecting to see floors had gone.  I also went around the back for the first time since I took the March photos.  This was even more of a shock as last time there didn’t appear to be much progess, however this time large chunks of the building had gone.  I suspect in the autumn when the trees are bear and I can get better photos even more will have gone.



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